Tuesday, June 18, 2013


The rules set in stone 
follow them dusk till dawn 
Feeling accomplished at the end of the day 
Played by the books
but no room for change 

Rewrite the page, start a new stage

Time to play a daring game 

Wielding the words 

"I'm sorry”, 
And "I need you" 
Sitting close to the moon and experiencing brand new 

Vulnerability open & clear
Letting the water take me there 

Look at the ocean & see what I see 

comfort & beauty is in the change of the waves 

Sunset Sightings

Sunset sightings together forever
Dreaming always for each other

She dreams for me to climb taller trees, 
Feel the deeper pain 
To look inside & be alive 

wrestle fight & make my own 
Those rivers in my heart
let them carve out stone 

I dream for her to feel enjoyed 
To know the laughter never ends
there is mercy new at dawn 

answers come & go 
but forever her heart glows 

Sunset sightings together for ever 
Dreaming deep for one another